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Class 5 Science Karnataka Board Syllabus
1.The Living World
- Characteristics of Life
- Characteristics of living and non-living.
- Difference between plants and animals.
- Habitat
- Different types of Habitats and examples
- States of matter
- Solids, Liquids and Gases
- Effects of temperature on solids, liquids and gases
- Mass, Density, Pressure and buoyancy
- Relation between matter and energy
- Types of elements
- Definition metals and non-metals
- Common elements in nature
- Air, water, soil
- Elements in water and soil
- Symbol – (Symbol elements)
- Solid element
- Liquid element
- Gas element
- Pure and impure substances
- Elements, compounds and mixtures
- Water
- Elements present in water
- Sources of water
- Physical properties of Water
- Biological importance – for plants and animals
- Potable water
- Potable water – Characteristics
- Earth
- Earth’s atmosphere
- Constituents of air
- Air-occupies space, air has weight, air help in burning.
3.How Things Work
- Electrical Circuit
- Electric current
- Basic law of electronics
- Electric cell – working and uses
- Electrical devices
- Fuse – Components and function
- Fuse Characteristics
- Combustion
- Definition – types and examples
- Oxygen Ignition, temperature are essential for combustion
- Fire triangle
- Slow, Fast and rapid combustion
- Controlled combustion (gas stove)
- Transportation
- Means of transportation
- Fuels used in different vehicles
- Sublimation
- Sublimation solids, non-sublimation solids examples
- Constituents
- Carbohydrates – Elements present
- Proteins – elements present
- Carbohydrates – As a source of energy
- Antotrophism & Heterotophisom
- Autotrophes and Heterotophs – Types and examples
- Sources of food
- Basic concepts of agriculture
- Natural fuels – Wood, Natural gas, Coal and Petroleum
- Factors essential for combustion of fuels
- Products of combustion
5.Environmental Science
- Family and friends
- Relationships
- Family tree
- Our likes and dislikes, - attitudes
- Work and Play
- Team games
- Local games
- Exercises
- Dignity of labour
- Shelter and Clothing
- Regional differences
- Neighbourhood concept
- Society
6.Natural Resource
- Importance of Air, Water, Light and Soil
- Sources of water
- Methods of conserving
- Sun – As a natural resource of light
- Importance of air
- Importance of soil (to living organisms)