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Class 10 Science Karnataka Board Syllabus
1.The Living World
- Classification of Higher Plants
- Plantae
- Nonvascular plants – Higher algae and Bryophytes
- Vascular plants – Pteridophyte, Spermatophyte-Habitat, General Characteristics and Economic importance of the above mentioned groups
- Life cycle of Bryophytes and Pteridophytes
- Classification of flowering plants monocots and dicots
- Plantae
- Chordates
- Animalia
- Characteristics of chordate, differences between chordates and non-chordates – subphyla, proto chordate (hemi, uro and cephalochordates) and vertebrata
- General characteristics of Pisces
- Cartilage and Bonyfishes
- Blue revolution
- General characteristics of Amphibia
- Transition from water to land, parental care
- General characteristics of reptiles
- Terrestrial adaption
- Economic importance
- Poisonous apparatus of snakeรขโฌโน
- General characteristics of Aves
- Reptiles to birds (Archaeopteryx)
- Flight adaption
- Bird migrationรขโฌโน
- General characteristics of mammals
- Echo location in bats
- Animalia
- Plant Tissues
- Meristematic Tissue
- Apical
- Intercalary
- Lateral
- Meristematic Tissue
- Simple permanent tissue
- Parenchyma
- Collenchyma
- Sclerenchyma
- Complex permanent tissues
- Xylem and Phloem
- Arrangement of Vascular bundles in monocot & dicot stems
- Animal Tissues
- Structure, Type, Location and function of the following
- Epithelial tissue
- Squamous, cuboidal, columnar and stratified
- Connective tissue
- Areolar, Adipose, Fibrous, Elastic, Cartilage, Bone, Blood and Lymph
- Nervous tissue – Structure and function of a neuron
- Structure, Type, Location and function of the following
- Electronics
- Semi-conductors types, application
- Diode
- Transistors
- Doping
- Super conductivity
- Synthetic materials
- Manufacture of
- Paper
- Ceramics
- Glass
- Silicon and uses
- Optical fibres
- Composition
- Properties
- Uses
- Manufacture of
3.How Things work
- Radio transmission
- TV
- Electromagnetic Induction
- Faraday’s laws
- DC Motor
- AC & DC Dynamo
- Heat Engines
- External, internal efficiency
- Ultrasound scanners
- Metallurgy
- Periodic classification
- Metallurgy – Properties of metals, Occurrence
- Concentration of ores and methods
- Refining of metals
- Alloys of Cu, Fe, Al and uses
- Extraction of Fe and Aluminium
- Organic Chemistry
- Manufacture of Sugar
- Fermentation of Sugar
- Manufacture of alcohol
- Organic compounds
- Aliphatic
- Alicyclic
- Aromatic
- Functional group NH2, CHO, COOH, OH
- Polyfunctional compounds, hydrogenation of oils
- Plant Breeding Techniques
- Common breeding techniques
- Hybridization
- Tissue Culture – Application and limitations
- Genetically modified plants
- Hydroponics
- Aeroponics
- Roof gardening
- Role of biotechnology in Food Industries
- Preservation
- Odorants
- Colorants
- Animal breeding techniques
- Animal husbandry
- Animal breeding techniques
5.Microbes and Man
- Microbial Diseases
- Causes – Symptoms and preventive measures of
- Chikungunya
- Bird flu and dengue
- Causes – Symptoms and preventive measures of
- Sexually Transmittable Infections
- Syphilis
- Gonorrhoea
- Genital herpes
- Genital warts
- Hepatitis – B
6.Environmental Science
- Environmental Problems
- Causes, effects and Prevention of the following
- Air pollution
- Acid rain
- Global warming
- Ozone depletion
- Water pollution
- Thermal Pollution
- Soil Pollution
- Noise Pollution
- Radiation Pollution
- Air pollution
- Waste Disposal
- Disposal of biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes
- Natural Resources
- Solar energy and devices
- Wind energy
- Tidal energy
- Geothermal energy
- Alternative sources of energy
- Biofuels
7.Life Processes
- Control and coordination in plants
- Chemical coordination in plants
- Irribility in plants
- Plant hormones
- Auxins, Gibberellins, Cyto Kines, Abscise acid, Ethylene
- Role and uses of plant hormones in agriculture
- Bonsai Culture
- Chemical coordination in animals
- Homeostasis
- Endocrine glands
- Hormones-Steroids and no steroids
- Location, function and effect of hyper and hypo secretions
- Nervous Coordination in animals
- Nervous system in Man
- Conduction of nerve impulses – CNS – PNS – ANS Brain mapping ill effects of drugs
- Sense organs in man. Eye-Ear-Stru & function Nose, Tongue-Skin Defects & care of sense organs
8.Reproduction and Heredity
- Heredity and Variation
- Mendels’s experiments
- Principle of dominance
- Laws of segregation
- Law of independent assortement
- Deviation from the principle of dominance – incomplete dominance
- Sex determination
- Sex linked inheritance
- Sex abnormalities
- DNA – Hereditary Material components and structures
- Brief account of Watson & Krick’s contributions DNA technology
- DNA finger print technology
- Recombinant DNA technology
- Cloning – stem cell culture
- Types of motion
- Linear motion
- Circular motion
- Wave motion
- Simple harmonic motion
- Applications and examples
- Faraday’s law of electrolysis, Electrolytes & Types and examples
- Gas laws
- Boyle – Charl’s law Grahm laws of diffusion
- Electrolysis
- Electrolytes and non-electrolytes
- Applications
- Types of reactions
- Exothermix and Endothermic reaction
- Definition
- Examples
- Exothermix and Endothermic reaction
10.Energy, Work and Force
- Sound
- Properties
- Echo
- Wave Velocity V-nλ
- Ultrasonics
- Sonar
- Radar
- Nuclear energy
- Fission
- Fusion
- Nuclear reactor
11.Space Science
- Birth – Life – Death of a star
- Black hole
- Colour of Star
- Bigbang theory
- Galaxies & types
- Work of Rockets
- Multistage Rockets
- Artificial Satellites
- Orbital Velocity
- Escape Velocity
- Indian contribution to space science
- Chadrayan
12.Evolution of Life
- Human Evolution
- Evolution of man
- Trends in human evolution
- Human ancestors
- Distinct features of each stage
- Evolution of man