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Class 3 Mathematics Karnataka Board Syllabus
1. Geometry
- Shapes & Spatial Understanding
- Creates 2D shapes through paper folding/paper cutting and identifies them.
- Describes the various 2-D shapes by counting their sides, corners, and diagonals.
- Makes shapes using straight lines and curves on the dot-grid.
- Creates shapes using tangram pieces.
- Matches the properties of two 2-D shapes by observing their sides and corners (vertices).
- Tiles a given region using a tile of a familiar shape
- Distinguishes between shapes that tile and that do not tile.
- The intuitive idea of a map. Reads simple maps (not to scale)
- Draws some simple 3Dobjects, using a ruler/ freehand.
- Explores the relationship between 3D and 2D by arranging coins one upon the other to get the cylinder bangles to get a hollow cylinder etc.
2. Numbers
- Number sequence up to 1000
- Reads and writes 3-digit numbers.
- Expands a number w.r.t. place values.
- Counts in various ways.
- Starting from any number.
- Skip counting
- Back counting
- Compares numbers.
- Forms the greatest and smallest numbers using given digits.
- Addition & Subtraction
- Adds and subtracts numbers by writing them vertically in the following two cases -
- Without regrouping.
- With regrouping.
- Uses the place value in the standard algorithm of addition and subtraction.
- Solves addition and subtraction problems in different situations presented through pictures and stories.
- Frames problems for addition and subtraction facts.
- Estimates the sum of, and the difference between, two given numbers not exceeding 99.
- Adds and subtracts numbers by writing them vertically in the following two cases -
- Multiplication
- Explains the meaning of multiplication (as repeated addition).
- Identifies the sign of multiplication.
- Constructs the multiplication tables of 3,4 and 10
- Uses multiplication facts in situations.
- Multiplies two-digit numbers using standard algorithm and Lattice multiplication algorithm.
- Division
- Explains the meaning of division from the context of equal grouping and sharing.
- Relates division with multiplication.
- Completes division facts
- By grouping
- By using
- Multiplication tables.
- Mental Arithmetic
- Adds and subtracts single-digit numbers and two-digit numbers mentally.
- Doubles two-digit numbers mentally (result not exceeding two digits).
- Fractional Numbers
- Identifies half, one fourth, and three- fourths of a whole and relates to a real-life situation.
- Identifies the symbols, ½, ¼, and ¾.
- Explains the meaning of ½, ¼, and ¾.
3. Money
- Converts Rupee to Paisa using play money.
- Adds and subtracts amounts using column addition, and subtraction without regrouping.
- Acquaints with simple rate charts and bills.
4. Measurement
- Length
- Appreciates the need for a standard unit.
- Develops the skill of measurement of length using appropriate standard units of length by choosing between centimeters and meters. (No millimeters)
- Estimates the length of a given object in Standard units and verifies by measuring.
- Uses a ruler
- Appreciates and expresses the relationship between centimeter and meter.
- Weight
- Weighs objects using non-standard units.
- It appreciates the conservation of weight.
- Volume
- Measures and compares the capacity of different containers in terms of non-standard units.
- Appreciates the conservation of volume.
- Time
- Reads a calendar to find a particular day and date.
- Reads the time to the nearest hour.
- Sequences the events chronologically.
5. Data Handling
- Records data using tally marks.
- Collects data and represents in terms of pictogram choosing appropriate scale and unit for display through a pictogram.
- Draws conclusions from the data through discussion.
6. Patterns
- Identifies simple symmetrical shapes and patterns.
- Makes patterns and designs from straight lines and other geometrical shapes.
- Identifies patterns in the numerals for odd and even numbers and in adding odd and even numbers.
- Partitions a number in different ways.
- Identifies patterns in his surroundings based on shape, color, and size.
- Identifies patterns in multiplication tables.