Class 10 Science Maharashtra Board

Maharashtra Board Science Syllabus

Class 10 Science Maharashtra Board



  • Acids and Bases: Acids, Bases andSalts: General properties, examplesand uses.
  • Chemical Reactions: Types of chemicalreactions: combination, decomposition,displacement double decomposition,precipitation, and neutralization.
  • Oxidation and Reduction: Oxidation andReduction in terms of gain andloss of oxygen and hydrogen.
  • Metals and Non-Metals: Briefdiscussion on basic metallurgicalprocesses. Properties of commonmetals. Elementary idea about bonding.
  • Carbon Compounds: Elementary ideaabout bonding. Saturatedhydrocarbons, alcohols, carboxylic acids(properties only)
  • Common chemicals used in daily life:Soap, common salt, Washing soda,Baking soda, bleaching powder,Plaster of Paris.
  • Classification of Elements: Briefhistorical account, Mendeleev's periodictable, gradation in properties.

2.The World of the Living

  • Life Processes: Definition of "Livingthings". Basic concept of nutrition,respiration, transport and excretion inplants and animals.
  • Control in the Living: Tropic movementsn plants .Introduction to plant hormones;control and coordination in animals;voluntary, involuntary and reflex action,nervous system, chemical coordination,animal hormones.
  • Reproduction in the Living:Reproduction in plants and animals.Need for and methods of familyplanning. Safe Sex vs-. HIV/AIDS. Childbearing and women's health.
  • Heredity and Evolution: Heredity, originof life- brief introduction, Basic conceptsof evolution.

3.Moving things. People and Ideas

  • Electric Circuits: Potential and potentialdifference. Ohm's Law, Resistancesin series and parallel. Power dissipateddue to current. Inter relation between P,V, I and R.
  • Magnets: Magnetic field, field lines.Field due to a current carrying wire, coil,solenoid. Force on current carryingconductor. Fleming's Left Hand Rule.Electric motor, electromagneticinduction. Induced potential differences,induced current. Electric generator,principle and working.
  • Direct and Alternating current.Frequency of AC. Advantages of ACover DC. Domestic Electric Circuits.

4.Natural Phenomena

  • Light: Convergence and Divergenceof Light.
  • Spherical Mirrors: Images formed by aconcave mirror. Related concepts:centre of curvature, principal axis,optical centre, focus, focal length.
  • Refraction: appreciation of the conceptof refraction. Laws of refraction. Velocityof light. Refractive index; twinkling ofstars; dispersion of light. Scattering oflight.
  • Lenses: Images formed by a convexlens; functioning of the lens in thehuman problems of vision and theirremedies. Application of sphericalmirrors and lenses.


  • Types of pollution - air, water, (fresh andmarine), soil, radiation, and noise.
  • Sources of pollution and majorpollutants, oil spills
  • Effect of pollution on -environment,human health and other organisms
  • Abatement of pollution

6.Striving for a Better Environment

  • Use of efficient and eco-friendlytechnology
  • Sustainable use of resources.
  • Enforcement of acts, laws and policies
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