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Class 10 Social Science Maharashtra Board
- Geographical discoveries andcolonization
- Asia: India, China, Japan
- Africa
2.20th Century Age of conflict
- First world war
- Russian Revolution
- The League of Nations
- Dictatorships in Europe, SecondWorld War and world
- United Nations Organization
3.Emancipation of Asia and Africa
- Asia
- Africa
4.World after World War II
- Cold war
- Scientific and TechnologicalProgress
- Globalization
Political Science
- Meaning, Types and characteristics
2.Political Parties
- Types, Meaning, Need, Types of Political Parties -National and Regional
3.Social Diversity and Democracy.
- What is social diversity?
- Caste/race and Democracy
- Language and Democracy
- Religion and Democracy
- Gender and Democracy
4.Challenges to Democracy Remedial
- measures to the challenges
5.Internal work
1.Physical Divisions of India
- Identification of Physical divisions
2.North Indian Mountains
- Himalayas
- Associated mountains
3.North Indian Plain Region
- Deserts
- Western Plains
- Central Plains
- Eastern Plains
- Delta region
4.Peninsular Plateau Region
- Malwa Plateau
- Chhotta Nagpur Plateau
- Maharashtra Plateau
- Karnataka Plateau
- Telangana Plateau
5.Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats
- Sahyadries
- Eastern Ghats
6.Coastal Region
- Eastern coastal plain
- Western coastal plain
7.Indian Islands
- Western Islands
- Eastern Islands
- Cartography
- One dimensional diagrams
- Two dimensional diagrams
1.Introduction of an Economy
- What is an economy?
- Types of Economy
- Main features of Economy
2.Basic problems of an economysolution
- Introduction
- Problems
- For whom to produce?
- How much to produce?
- By whom to produce?
- How best are the resources beingused?
- Solutions
- Capitalism
- Socialism
- Mixed Economy
- Introduction
- Causes of inflation
- Effects of inflation
- Measures
4.Public distribution system &consumer protection
- Introduction
- Public Distribution system - meaning &explanation
- Objectives of P.D.S.
- Progress of P.D.S.
- Drawbacks of P.D.S.
- Remedial Measures
- Consumer Protection - Rights &duties of consumer, food adulteration.