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CBSE Class 10 Social Science Syllabus
The syllabus for the Social Sciences attempts to advance an on-going process of assisting children and young people to understand that a healthy engagement with the world must come as much from the way society takes shape and functions as from a proper sense of its material and physical foundations. From this, it is expected, a vision will evolve that the Social Sciences provide both essential skills of comprehension that are fundamental to any activity, and a means of self-understanding and fulfilment that can be diverting, exciting and challenging.
Social Science Unit-Wise Weightage
Units | Unit Name | Marks |
I | India and the Contemporary World - II | 20 |
II | Contemporary India - II | 20 |
III | Democratic Politics - II | 20 |
IV | Understanding Economic Development | 20 |
Total | 80 |
Unit 1: India and the Contemporary World – II
- The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
- The French Revolution and the Idea of the Nation
- The Making of Nationalism in Europe
- The Age of Revolutions: 1830-1848
- The Making of Germany and Italy
- Visualizing the Nation
- Nationalism and Imperialism
- Nationalism in India
- The First World War, Khilafat and Non -Cooperation
- Differing Strands within the Movement
- Towards Civil Disobedience
- The Sense of Collective Belonging
- The Making of a Global World
- The Pre-modern world
- The Nineteenth Century (1815-1914)
- The Inter war Economy
- Rebuilding a World Economy: The Post-War Era
- The Age of Industrialization
- Before the Industrial Revolution
- Hand Labour and Steam Power
- Industrialization in the colonies
- Factories Come Up
- The Peculiarities of Industrial Growth
- Market for Goods
- Print Culture and the Modern World
- The First Printed Books
- Print Comes to Europe
- The Print Revolution and its Impact
- The Reading Mania
- The Nineteenth Century
- India and the World of Print
- Religious Reform and Public Debates
- New Forms of Publication
- Print and Censorship
Unit 2: Contemporary India - II
- Resources and Development
- Types of Resources
- Development of Resources
- Resource Planning in India
- Land Resources
- Land Utilization
- Land Use Pattern in India
- Land Degradation and Conservation
- Measures
- Soil as a Resource
- Classification of Soils
- Soil Erosion and Soil Conservation
- Types of Resources
- Forest and Wildlife
- Biodiversity or Biological Diversity
- Flora and Fauna in India
- Vanishing Forests
- Asiatic Cheetah: Where did they go?
- The Himalayan Yew in trouble
- Conservation of forest and wildlife in India
- Project Tiger
- Types and distribution of forests and wildlife resources
- Community and Conservation
- Water Resources
- Water Scarcity and The Need for Water Conservation and Management
- Multi-Purpose River Projects and Integrated Water Resources Management
- Rainwater Harvesting
- Agriculture
- Types of farming
- Cropping Pattern
- Major Crops
- Technological and Institutional Reforms
- Impact of Globalization on Agriculture
- Minerals and Energy Resources
- Mode of occurrence of Minerals
- Ferron’s and Non-Ferrous Minerals
- Non-Metallic Minerals
- Rock Minerals
- Conservation of Minerals
- Energy Resources
- Conventional and Non-Conventional
- Conservation of Energy Resources
- Manufacturing Industries
- Importance of manufacturing
- Contribution of Industry to National Economy
- Industrial Location
- Classification of Industries
- Spatial distribution
- Industrial pollution and environmental
- Control of Environmental Degradation
- Life Lines of National Economy
- Transport – Roadways, Railways, Pipelines, Waterways, Airways
- Communication
- International Trade
- Tourism as a Trade
Unit 3: Democratic Politics – II
- Power Sharing
- Case Studies of Belgium and Sri Lanka
- Why power sharing is desirable
- Forms of Power Sharing
- Federalism
- What is Federalism
- What make India a Federal Country
- How is Federalism practiced?
- Decentralization in India
- Democracy and Diversity
- Case Studies of Mexico
- Differences, similarities and divisions
- Politics of social divisions
- Gender, Religion and Caste
- Gender and Politics
- Religion, Communalism and Politics
- Caste and Politics
- Popular Struggles and Movements
- Popular Struggles in Nepal and Bolivia
- Mobilization and Organization
- Pressure Groups and Movements
- Political Parties
- Why do we need Political Parties
- How many Parties should we have
- National Political Parties
- State Parties
- Challenges to Political Parties
- How can Parties be reformed?
- Outcomes of Democracy
- Accountable, responsive and legitimate government
- Economic growth and development
- Reduction of inequality and poverty
- Accommodation of social diversity
- Dignity and freedom of the citizens
- Challenges to Democracy
- Thinking about challenges
- Thinking about Political Reforms
- Redefining democracy
Unit 4: Understanding Economic Development
- Development
- What Development Promises – Different people different goals
- Income and other goals
- National Development
- How to compare different countries or states
- Income and other criteria
- Public Facilities
- Sustainability of development
- Sectors of the Indian Economy
- Comparing the three sectors
- Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sectors in India
- Division of sectors as organized and unorganized
- Sectors in terms of ownership: Public and Private Sectors
- Money and Credit
- Money as a medium of exchange
- Modern forms of money
- Loan activities of Banks
- Two different credit situations
- Terms of credit
- Formal sector credit in India
- Self Help Groups for the Poor
- Globalization and the Indian Economy
- Interlinking production across countries
- World Trade Organization
- Impact of Globalization on India
- The Struggle for a Fair Globalisation Foreign Trade and integration of markets Globalisation
- Factors that have enabled Globalisation
- What is globalization
- Consumer Rights
- Consumer Rights’ to be done as Project Work. Every student has to compulsorily undertake any one project on the following topics:
- Consumer Awareness
- Social Issues
- Sustainable Development