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..CBSE Class 6 Maths Syllabus
The Syllabus in the subject of Mathematics has undergone changes from time to time in accordance with the growth of the subject and emerging needs of society. The present revised syllabus has been designed in accordance with the National Curriculum Framework and as per guidelines given in the Focus Group on Teaching of Mathematics which is to meet the emerging needs of all categories of students. For motivating the teacher to relate the topics to real-life problems and other subject areas, greater emphasis has been laid on applications of various concepts.
1. Knowing Our Numbers
- Introduction
- Comparing Numbers
- How many numbers can you make?
- Shifting digits
- Introducing 10,000
- Revisiting place value
- Introducing 1,00,000
- Larger numbers
- An aid in reading and writing large numbers
- Large Numbers in Practice
- Estimation
- Estimating to the nearest tens by rounding off
- Estimating to the nearest hundreds by rounding off
- Estimating to the nearest thousands by rounding off
- Estimating outcomes of number situations
- To estimate sum or difference
- To estimate products
- Using Brackets
- Expanding brackets
- Roman Numerals
2. Whole Number
- Introduction
- Whole Numbers
- The Number Line
- Properties of Whole Numbers
- Patterns in Whole Numbers
3. Playing With Numbers
- Introduction
- Factors and Multiples
- Prime and Composite Numbers
- Tests for Divisibility of Numbers
- Common Factors and Common Multiples
- Some More Divisibility Rules
- Prime Factorisation
- Highest Common Factor
- Lowest Common Multiple
- Some Problems on HCF and LCM
4. Basic Geometrical Ideas
- Introduction
- Point
- A-Line Segment
- A-Line
- Intersecting Lines
- Parallel Lines
- Ray
- Curves
- Polygons
- Angles
- Triangles
- Quadrilaterals
- Circles
5. Understanding Elementary Shapes
- Introduction
- Measuring Line Segments
- Angles – ‘Right’ and ‘Straight’
- Angles – ‘Acute’, ‘Obtuse’ and ‘Reflex’
- Measuring Angles
- Perpendicular Lines
- Classification of Triangles
- Quadrilaterals
- Polygons
- Three Dimensional Shapes
6. Integers
- Introduction
- Tag me with a sign
- Integers
- Representation of integers on a number line
- Ordering of integers
- Addition of Integers
- Addition of integers on a number line
- Subtraction of Integers with the help of a Number Line
7. Fractions
- Introduction
- A Fraction
- Fraction on the Number Line
- Proper Fractions
- Improper and Mixed Fractions
- Equivalent Fractions
- Simplest Form of a Fraction
- Like Fractions
- Comparing Fractions
- Comparing like fractions
- Comparing unlike fractions
- Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
- Adding or subtracting like fractions
- Adding and subtracting fractions
8. Decimals
- Introduction
- Tenths
- Hundredths
- Comparing Decimals
- Using Decimals
- Money
- Length
- Weight
- Addition of Numbers with Decimals
- Subtraction of Decimals
9. Data Handling
- Introduction
- Recording Data
- Organization of Data
- Pictograph
- Interpretation of a Pictograph
- Drawing a Pictograph
- A Bar Graph
- Interpretation of a bar graph
- Drawing a bar graph
10. Mensuration
- Introduction
- Perimeter
- Perimeter of a rectangle
- Perimeter of regular shapes
- Area
- Area of a rectangle
- Area of a square
11. Algebra
- Introduction
- Matchstick Patterns
- The Idea of a Variable
- More Matchstick Patterns
- More Examples of Variables
- Use of Variables in Common Rules
- Expressions with Variables
- Using Expressions Practically
- What is an Equation?
- Solution of an Equation
12. Ratio And Proportion
- Introduction
- Ratio
- Proportion
- Unitary Method
13. Symmetry
- Introduction
- Making Symmetric Figures: Ink-blot Devils
- Figures with Two Lines of Symmetry
- Figures with Multiple (more than two) Lines of Symmetry
- Reflection and Symmetry
14. Practical Geometry
- Introduction
- The Circle
- A Line Segment
- Perpendiculars
- Perpendicular to a line through a point on it
- Perpendicular to a line through a point not on it
- The perpendicular bisector of a line segment
- Angles
- Constructing an angle of a given measure
- Constructing a copy of an angle of unknown measure
- Bisector of an angle
- Angles of special measures